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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Denis Waitleys' Formula for Developing the Ten Qualities of A Total Winner

1.POSITIVE SELF-AWARENESS: Be open to Abundance, Empathetic to Others, Adaptable to Stress.
2.POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM: Like and Accept Yourself for Who You Are at This Moment.
3.POSITIVE SELF-CONTROL: Take Full Responsibility and Credit for Causing Your Own Effects.
4.POSITIVE SELF-MOTIVATION: Focus All Thoughts and Energy on Immediate Priorities and Rewards.
5.POSITIVE SELF-EXPECTANCY: Create Your Own Winning Horoscope for Good Health and Good Luck.
6.POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE: Preview Your Future Attractions by Imagining Them as “Oscar Winners”.
7. POSITIVE SELF-DIRECTION: Purpose, Forged in Goals and Priorities, is the Key to Success.
8. POSITIVE SELF-DISCIPLINE: Practice Winning by Relaxing, Rehearsing and Relenting.
9. POSITIVE SELF-DIMENSION: Look Beyond Yourself, Create Other Winners, and Live in the “Now”.
10. POSITIVE SELF-PROJECTION: Listen, Set the Best Example and Be Lovable.
Dipetik dari buku The Psychology of Winning hasil karya Mr. Denis Waitley. Diharapkan idea-idea beliau dapat dijadikan panduan kepada semua pembaca demi kesejahteraan diri dan orang lain.

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